authensmoulder is the best duo and album ever

the only experimental hip hop, noise, sound collage, ambient, atmospheric drum and bass, breakcore, chopped and screwed, industrial hip hop, pluggnb, midi music™ album

authensmoulder 2 out now

who are the authensmoulders

its authenyo and cracksmoulder you know this fuck you

how can i authensmoulder myself™

you can authensmoulder yourself™ at bandcamp

you can also authensmoulder yourself™ at soundcloud

you can also authensmoulder yourself™ at every streaming service

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you can authensmoulder 2 yourself™ at bandcamp

you can also authensmoulder 2 yourself™ at soundcloud

you can also authensmoulder 2 yourself™ at every streaming service

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you can authensmoulder 2 yourself™ at bandcamp

you can also authensmoulder 2 yourself™ at soundcloud

you can also authensmoulder 2 yourself™ at every streaming service

i stole the funny text code from boxy's site check him out